The Inconvenience of Christ

Two weeks ago, I shared the parable of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:19-31) with my students. After sorting through the inevitable afterlife questions that arose, we landed on the sin of the rich man. "He didn't do anything, that's why he was in Hades," one of the students commented. 

(You) Save By Grace

About a year ago my wife signed up to give Christmas baskets with the Cathedral Shelter that operates in Chicago. While shopping, we realized we were spending a lot of money on presents for this family. In the same moment we realized: if this family was a part of our family we wouldn't be concerned about how much we spent.

I Love You

The first homeless man I encountered received the brunt of my father’s ignorance and immaturity. “Get a job you lazy asshole and stop milking the system,” my father yelled coughing up phlegm and spitting. I giggled because my father cursed. That’s the whole truth and except for God's Spirit in my life, I might be doing the same thing. 


Ten o’clock on Youth Sunday. You know, that one Sunday each quarter where youth lead the service? The sanctuary was quiet. The seats were mostly empty. My first thought? Recheck my watch and compare to a clock on the wall. Yeah, it was ten o’clock. Service was starting. I thought, “they’ll trickle in, and a lot of people are on vacation.”

Theology of Love

The other day I came home like every other work night in the wee hours of the morning. I had a little time to kill because I had to wake my wife up for work shortly after getting home.

Surprised by Hope?

If you watch ESPN often, you've probably come across this commercial. If you haven't seen it, take a minute to check it out. Then, let's talk. 

Introduction is a blog dedicated to theological reflection. What is theological reflection?