Resurrected with Christ

The sanctuary was dark, save the dim light from overhead fixtures, the fading daylight pouring in through the large windows and the candles burning slowly around the room.

Talk About It

After my appointment, she wanted to talk. Mostly she desired to tell me of all the places she traveled, the awesomeness of each destination and experience, and all the places she would travel in the future. Even though other patients waited to check-in, she streamed breathlessly from one story to the next only to smile and sigh with nostalgia at the end of her whole life's adventure. 

Pleas for Peter

It occurred to me: no one really wants to be like Peter. Aside from Judas, I'd say Peter is near the top of the list of disciples you don't grow up wanting to become. Yet, in my most honest moments, I find that I am just like him.

Wandering Through the Blessing

"Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting 40 days and 40 nights, he was hungry."

The Rich American Challenge

The other night my friend and co-writer of this blog, Garrett, sent me a text: What are you doing?

Me: Working my life away.
Garrett: You better stop that.
Me: Can't...need the money.
Garrett: Sell all your possessions and follow me.
Me: You first.
Garrett: Oh man you got me.

God, the Sufferer.

Even now, months after, I can still see the deer's body: back legs broken, side stripped of fur, of skin, crawling to get off the road. Alive.